Covid-Safe Practices at Aunty Donna
Event Conditions are subject to change dependent on COVID guidelines & regulations at the time of the event.
Please bring your own mask – All patrons are required to wear a face mask at all times (excluding children under 12), unless you have a medical exemption for which evidence must be produced upon request. Masks may only be removed whilst eating or drinking.
Thebarton Theatre has an issued COVID-19 QR code for its location. Each person regardless of relation visiting the venue must check-in using the QR Code via the mySA GOV App or paper when requested attendance record. Each patron is asked to display the ‘Last Check In’ screen upon entry, or sign the paper-based register.
Please arrive and depart in your social groups where possible.
Cloakroom will be unavailable. Bags larger than A3 and backpacks will not be admitted into the venue
Will be present. Please adhere to any directions provided by the Covid Marshals or any staff member throughout the night.
Please, ensure you wash your hands.
Hand sanitiser will be provided for patrons to use before entering the venue. Staff will sanitise the venue before and after all performances and during the event to ensure a clean environment.
Only attend the event if you are feeling well. If you present any COVID-19 symptoms get tested as soon as possible and follow social isolation guidelines until you recover.
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please head to the SA Health Website for more information.
About Aunty Donna
Dear Human Beings,
Hello, I am a Magical Dead Cat, the titular Magical Dead Cat from the very title of this very show. I write to you today because I have discovered the most wondrous sketch show on the popular streaming service Netflix – Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun. I was so impressed with said show that I issued Aunty Donna this challenge: entertain me with a 2 hour live show, one that features all new sketches, but also a few fan favourites. It MUST include a short interval, and based on availability / budget, possibly an opening act. If Aunty Donna succeeds in pleasing me with a rip-roarin’ show, I have promised to surprise them with a special, web slinging, mystery guest!
Come, sweet humans, and see if Broden, Zach and Mark are up for the task!
With loving grace,
The Magical Dead Cat.
Wednesday 13 & Thursday 14 April 2022
Doors 7.00 pm
Start 8.00 pm
Please bring your own cloth mask to the theatre to reduce wastage. Patrons refusing to wear a mask will be evicted from the venue without a refund under the Terms and Conditions of Entry.
Covid Safe Event
Please read the full list of Thebby’s Covid-Safe Practices here.
Content Warning
Recommended 16+. Mature themes and coarse language.
Wheelchair/Accessible Seating/Companion Card
For all enquiries please contact the Box Office on Ph. (08) 8443 5255.