Covid Safe Practices at Mamma Mia The Concert
Event Conditions are subject to change dependent on COVID guidelines & regulations at the time of the event.
In line with the South Australian Roadmap for the health and safety of all our patrons and staff. All persons aged 16 years and older entering Thebarton Theatre will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration or must be able to produce an official medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccination approved by the Chief Public Health Officer with government issued photo identification.
Proof of vaccination will be required to gain entry into the venue. Patrons will need to show their COVID-19 digital certificate on their smart device (as part of the QR Code check in process) OR provide photo identification with a printed immunisation certificate.
Please consider the vaccination status of you and your guests prior to purchasing a ticket.
Please bring your own cloth mask to help reduce waste – All patrons are required to wear a face mask at all times (excluding children under 12), unless you have a medical exemption for which evidence must be produced upon request. Masks may only be removed whilst eating or drinking in your seat.
Thebarton Theatre has an issued COVID-19 QR code for its location. Each person regardless of relation visiting the venue must check-in using the QR Code via the mySA GOV App or paper when requested attendance record. Each patron is asked to display the ‘Last Check In’ screen upon entry, or sign the paper-based register.
Patrons must remain seated in their seat for the duration of the event unless using the venue facilities e.g. bar, toilets. Currently Covid-19 rules for drinking standing up is prohibited.
Please arrive and depart in your social groups where possible.
Cloakroom will be unavailable. Bags larger than A3 and backpacks will not be admitted into the venue
No Passouts will be available under any circumstances
The number of patrons per area will be limited. Please adhere to the signs and staff informing patrons of the density requirements in each area. Please follow the entry and exit signs posted around the venue so we can monitor the flow of patrons and adhere to capacity regulations.
Will be present. Please adhere to any directions provided by the Covid Marshals or any staff member throughout the night.
Please, ensure you wash your hands.
Hand sanitiser will be provided for patrons to use before entering the venue. Staff will sanitise the venue before and after all performances and during the event to ensure a clean environment.
Only attend the event if you are feeling well. If you present any COVID-19 symptoms get tested as soon as possible and follow social isolation guidelines until you recover.
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please head to the SA Health Website for more information.
About Mamma Mia The Concert
Featuring The Ten Sopranos
Mamma Mia the Concert is a masterful and stimulating performance of the ABBA repertoire never before seen in Australia. This is a memorable concert which has new vocal and symphonic harmonies, where the glorious melodies are re-invigorated and given new life.
The most powerful all-female vocal group in Australia, The Ten Sopranos, bring you a concert of epic proportions
This show will have you singing, clapping, and stomping from beginning to end. The Ten Sopranos deliver the number one vocal interpretation of the ABBA songs on Earth.
Artistic and Musical director Penny Pavlakis (Internationally acclaimed and multi-award-winner known to her peers as “The Singers’ Singer” who has over 1000 performances on the world Opera and contemporary stage, brings to the stage star power, very few people can) along with The Sopranos, showcase their supreme talents to Australian audiences paying homage to the magnificent songs of Benny and Bjorn in a unique and exciting way.
“This is a feel-good concert you will not want to miss!
What they said! It is impossible for you not to be mesmerised”
(The Pictorial)
“If you only see one show this year, this must be it”
(The Advertiser)
“Pavlakis has no peer on the world stage, whether its classical or contemporary, she really is magnificent” (Maestro Tommy Tycho)
“I have managed performing arts centres for 14 years and this concert rates as one of the best I have ever seen.”
(Ross Le Clerc, venue manager)
“The Ten Sopranos are the real deal”
(Giant Entertainment)
Friday 28 January 2022
Doors: 7:00 pm
Show: 8.00 pm
Covid Safe Event
Please bring your own cloth mask to the theatre to reduce wastage. Patrons refusing to wear a mask will be evicted from the venue without a refund under the Terms and Conditions of Entry.
All Ages
This event is all ages. It is recommended that patrons 15 years of age and under are accompanied by a paying Adult.
Wheelchair/Accessible Seating/Companion Card
For all enquiries please contact the Box Office on
Ph. (08) 8443 5255.